utorok 28. februára 2017

If you give a crafter a cookie...


I love making creations as the enter to one challenge. Just one. It means I was inspired exactly by that one challenge. Few days earlier I was commenting some entries in our challenge and I found cute badge at one blog. I was falling in love. It´s absolutely wonderful badge and I would like to wear it at my blog.
So I decided to try to win it :-)

In this challenge we need to be inspired by cookies :-) It´s absolutely amazing idea. I love it. 




They are so cute :)

So here is my card:

I have used brown cardstock, pattern paper- sky , washi tape, cutted balloons and bakers twine and wonderful sentiment:
Nothing but blue skies from now on

And I´m trying to get top cookie badge :-D
Keep fingers crossed.

I would like to enter to this challenge:

Have a nice day ;-) 
Jarka Ef

pondelok 27. februára 2017

Layout- The reset girl

Hi all!

I made a new layout.

Today it´s made with Simple Stories products.

I have used:
The reset girl 6x6 paper pad and cuts
We are family photo frame
Carpe diem stickers

Some details:
Cutted pencils from paper pad

Have a nice day and don´t forget to create ;-)

Jarka Ef

sobota 25. februára 2017

Challenge #75 The color PURPLE

Hi all!

We´ve got a new challenge at Crafting with Dragonflies. The theme is color Purple. I need to say it´s not my very favourite color, but sometimes it´s time to try new things :-D

I like that sentiment- Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun... It´s written on velllume paper. I have colored Faery ink digital stamp and added some flags.

I hope to see your wonderful cards at our blog :-)

I would like to enter to these challenges:

sobota 11. februára 2017

Challenge #74 For the girls


Today starts a new challenge at Crafting with Dragonflies. Our theme is For the girls, so you have to create a card for girls.

I have used cute digi from Julia Spiri. The background is colored with distress ink. Added some tags, enamel dots and the embossed sentiment you shine. 

Don´t forget to see wonderful inspirations from other DT members- here.

I would like to enter to these challenges: 

 Have a nice day!

piatok 10. februára 2017

Project Life titulka 2017


Občas sa zapájam do výziev s paperoamo na facebooku, v januári sme mali vytvoriť titulnú stranu do albumu na Project Life.

Vybrala som si motív lietajúceho balóna. Je síce 3D, ale dá sa to pekne narovnať tak, že vojde do obalu a stále vyzerá ako lietajúci balón, akurát už nie tak prietorovo. Do niektorých kruhov som vpísala naše plány a túžby, ktoré by sme chceli v novom roku naplniť. Ktovie, možno na konci roka urobím nejakú rekapituláciu, čo z toho nám tento rok vyšlo a čo nás naopak prekvapilo :-)

Ďakujem za prečítanie a prajem pekný deň.

streda 8. februára 2017


Tak som tu opäť s fotkami ďalšieho vianočného darčeka, i keď sa už aj hanbím priznať, že až teraz zverejňujem :-D 

Urobila som takéto leporelo na malé fotky... 
Skutočne malé, lebo rozmer jednej stránky je len 10cm x 10cm.

Dodatočne som ešte dorobila viazanie s bakers twine, ale to už som fotiť nestíhala, lebo som chcela, aby darček prišiel včas.

Takto vyzerá otvorené.

A pohľad z druhej strany.
Použila som super pečiatky z paperoamo.

Ako tak teraz naň pozerám, myslím, že si urobím ešte jeden- pre seba :-D
Ak ste sa inšpirovali aj vy, prajem príjemné tvorenie.

nedeľa 5. februára 2017

Februárová výzva na scrapper.sk


Scrapper. sk vždy na začiatku mesiaca vyhlasuje novú výzvu a ani tento mesiac nie je výnimkou. Úlohou je vytvoriť niečo vo vintage štýle. 

Ja som robila mixed media visačku- na podkladový papier som nalepila papier z knihy, pridala vintage obrázok, nápis zo servítky, dozdobila pečiatkami, nesmú chýbať ozdoby ako kvety, hodiny, kadečo...a samozrejme, všetko doladiť správnymi tónmi hnedej ;)  

Zapojiť sa môžete z celej Európy, takže neváhajte, info, kam posielať fotky, nájdete TU.
Príjemné tvorenie.

streda 1. februára 2017

Challenge #13 Love is all around

Hi, friends!

We have a new challenge at Pearly Sparkles for the theme Love is all around.

I have used some stamps to create background, added a washi tape and some emmbelishments. And, of course, colored image in circles  and the sentiment Love you to pieces :-) That couple is so cute.

Ok, that was my card. Let me see yours at Pearly Sparkles.

I would like to enter to these challenges:

Challenge #1 at Aussie digi artists


I have a big new- I´m honored to be a member of design team Aussie digital artists challenge.
 Our theme is always anything goes.

The first sponsor fot this month is

fb fanpage- here

I have used this Flower froggy digi 
and added some stams, washi tape and flags.

our FB group you can find HERE

And don´t forget to enter with your creations to our challenge HERE

I would like to enter to these challenges: